CokeTV - Testing Vlog Promos for Young Audiences Across Different Markets

The Campaign

Coca-Cola was to launch a youTube channel called CokeTV, hosted by several pairs of European vloggers representing different countries. Aimed at under 26 year-olds, a long-form video was to be released every week where the vloggers would take on a challenge picked from a bucket, created by the viewers leaving suggested challenges within the comments. 

The Brief

Here we have two videos of Danish vloggers, Astrid and Gex, and then Sp4zie and Athena in Sweden, who were to execute the first challenge with indoor skydiving. It was important for CokeTV to ensure that they were using the right content to launch the #CokeTVBucketList campaign – grabbing and retaining young audience’s attention whilst performing well with competitive content.

0 +
Year Olds
16- 0

The Results

Both Coca-Cola videos appealed to the younger demographic as well as performing very well against all other European soft drink content tested within the Realeyes database.

However, despite both videos containing similar content, Denmark’s ‘Indoor Skydiving’ had a much stronger performance across all metrics.

Sweden’s ‘Body Flight’ results revealed that there were opportunities to optimize its performance with some light edits to improve attraction, maintain attention and leave an even  stronger lasting positive impression.

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