Social Media Study

How Emotions Drive Social Performance


We set out to create a model combining that would enable clients to predict the effectiveness of their video content on
social networks. Our research established that emotion measurement can predict your video’s earned media potential.

The World's Largest Data Set

We tracked the emotional performance of over 2200 videos, with 365k views and over 6m social actions across different platforms including Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.

Predictive Model

When people feel more, they do more, whether that’s liking,
sharing or taking action. Our predictive model demonstrated that our simple 1 to 10 EmotionAll® score could be used to predict social media performance. By predicting consumer behavior on social media, you can skew media spend towards the right channels, inform edits to maximize potential, and make better business decisions.

Prize-Winning Research

Our research was showcased at several industry events,
including the I-COM Global Forum 2014, where we went on to win both the Audience Choice and the final Jury Award for the Big Data Challenge.

Discover More

Our pioneering emotionAI provides the best-in-class reporting to power

informed decisions. See how we can help companies like yours.