Enhancing Emotion Data Collection with Selenium Pt.2

We ended up creating our own Selenium Grid, as providers like BrowserStack did not provide support for webcams and customizations with a function to Allow webcam with Flash. We did not aim to create a wide variety of home made environments, rather focusing on advantages of our own Grids and using external providers where possible.

Detecting More Complex Affective States


Our technology leadership and world-class scientific advisors are part of a larger network of Europe’s top universities and organisations. Through several grants received from the European Union and the European Commission, we’ve had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects that have strengthened our capabilities, our technology, and provided our team with extremely valuable experience.

What can emotion analytics do for me? A look at Animatics testing

Realeyes emotion measurement for animatics testing
Last week we explored the most popular application of emotion analytics – creative testing. Before a video ever gets aired, it’s already had a life of reviews, processes, edits and so on. So the earlier you can establish the potential success of a video, the more time, money and effort is saved. Let’s explore emotion measurement for animatics testing.

Christmas 2017: The Top 10

It’s that time of the year when retailers battle it out for the best Christmas advert of the season. We partnered with audience platform Lucid to test the emotional response of over 3,300 people in the UK, watching 55 videos during a week, mid November 2017.

Emotion recognition technology was used to collect emotional responses. These ad rankings are based on individual adverts’ EmotionAll® scores – a 1 to 10 performance score which compares videos’ emotional performance across our entire database of over 10,000 previously-tested videos. This EmotionAll® score can be segmented by age, gender or other metrics such as income. 

RANK      BRAND     CAMPAIGN (%) Score
1 Coca-Cola Gogglebox…Holidays Are Coming 96 10
2 Vodafone A Christmas Love Story 95 10
3 McDonalds Carrot stick Christmas 93 9
4 M&S Paddington and the Christmas visitor  85 9
5=6 Currys PC World Merry Techmas 84 8
5=6 H.Samuel Beautiful girls 84 8
7=8 Waitrose Christmas together 81 8
7=8 Heathrow  Bear Christmas 81 8
9=10 Pandora Do get what you wish for 80 8
9=10 Tesco Turkey, every which way 80 8